The Connecticut Bird Atlas is a project to map all species of birds that occur in the state of Connecticut. Field work took place between spring 2018 and February 2022, and involved nearly a thousand volunteer birders, who submitted more than 600,000 bird observations.
As of February 2025, data analysis is complete and will be incorporated into a new Birds of Connecticut web site, which will be launched later this year. The former atlas web site is no longer functional, but all of the information that was previously posted there will be incorporated into the new site.
The new Birds of Connecticut site will include information about the occurrence of all bird species that have been recorded in the state, including maps showing atlas block data for both breeding and wintering birds; the results of statistical modelling to describe patterns of occurrence, abundance, and habitat associations for most common species; data on the timing of occurrence and breeding behaviours; and information on the conservation status of each species.
We plan to release an initial draft version that includes all maps and other figures so that everyone has access to the main atlas results (and a chance to let us know about any errors or omissions). Text providing interpretation of the results, historical context, and current status information, will be added in a subsequent update.
As more information becomes available about the release of information, I will post it here. Thanks to everyone (especially the many volunteers who did most of the work!) for your patience as we complete this huge project.