(all venues combined)
Some links will work only if you have subscription access to the journal (but pdfs available on request).
Sanchez Jr, A, MR Roeder, BJ Olsen, EC Elizondo, KJ Ruskin, AM Hotopp, CS Elphick, SE Apgar*, CR Field, JB Cohen, AR Kocek, AI Kovach, RA Longenecker, and WG Shriver. 2024. Positive correlation between Ammospiza caudacuta (Saltmarsh Sparrow) capture and productivity supports use of a novel rapid assessment monitoring protocol. Ornithological Applications duae027. [pdf ]
Sandor, M, MW Tingley, and CS Elphick. 2024. The spatial scaling of mutualistic network diversity. Environmental Research: Ecology 3:015002. [pdf]
Walsh, J, LE Fenderson, CS Elphick, JB Cohen, CR Field, LK Garey, TP Hogman, AR Kocek, R Longenecker, KM O’Brien, BJ Olsen, KJ Ruskin, WG Shriver, and AI Kovach. 2023. Surrounding landscape, habitat and hybridization dynamics drive population structure and genetic diversity in the Saltmarsh Sparrow. Ornithological Applications duad025. [pdf]
Barry A, SK Ooi, AM Helton, B Steven, CS Elphick, and BA Lawrence. Accepted. Carbon dynamics vary among tidal marsh plant species in a sea-level rise experiment. Wetlands.
Forister, ML, SH Black, CS Elphick, EM Grames, CA Halsch, CB Schultz, and DL Wagner. 2023. Missing the bigger picture: why insect monitoring programs are limited in their ability to document the effects of habitat loss. Conservation Letters e12951. [pdf]
Grames, EM, G Montgomery, C Youngflesh, M Tingley, and CS Elphick. 2023. The effect of insect food availability on songbird reproductive success and chick body condition: evidence from a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ecology Letters 26:658-673. [pdf]
Elphick, CS, WG Shriver, and R Greenberg. 2023. Estuarine wildlife. In: Estuarine Ecology, 3rd Edition (BC Crump, JM Testa, and KH Dunton, eds.). Wiley. pp 292-312. [link]
DeMott, WG, A Stillman, JB Kolb, and CS Elphick. 2022. NEXRAD highlights the effects of wind and date at a Tree Swallow roost during fall migration. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 134:623-632. [pdf]
Kocek, A, CS Elphick, TP Hodgman, AI Kovach, BJ Olsen, KJ Ruskin, WG Shriver, and JB Cohen. 2022. Imperiled sparrows can exhibit high nest survival despite atypical nest site selection in urban saltmarshes. Avian Conservation and Ecology 17(2):42. [pdf]
Grames, EM, D Schwartz, and CS Elphick. 2022. A systematic method for hypothesis synthesis and conceptual model development. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13:2078-2087. [pdf]
Van Rees, CB, CS Elphick, and JM Reed. 2022. Assessing extinction risk, conservation reliance, and down-listing potential for two endangered Hawaiian waterbirds. Avian Conservation and Ecology 17 (1):29. [pdf]
Ooi SK, A Barry, BA Lawrence, CS Elphick, and AM Helton. 2022. Vegetation zones as indicators of denitrification potential in salt marshes. Ecological Applications 32:e2630. [pdf]
Grames, EM, GA Montgomery, DH Boyes, LV Dicks, ML Forister, TA Matson, S Nakagawa, KS Pendergast, NG Taylor, MW Tingley, DL Wagner, TE White, P Woodcock, and CS Elphick. 2022. A framework and case study to systematically identify long-term insect datasets. Conservation Science and Practice e12687. [pdf]
Sandor, M, CS Elphick, and MW Tingley. 2022. Extinction of biotic interactions due to habitat loss could accelerate the current biodiversity crisis. Ecological Applications 32:e2608. [pdf]
Grames, EM, PL Stepule, SZ Herrick, BT Ranelli, and CS Elphick. 2022. Separating acoustic signal into underlying behaviors with self-exciting point process models. Ecological Modelling 468:109965. [pdf]
Sutherland WJ, JM Robinson, DC Aldridge, T Alamenciak, M Armes, N Baranduin, AJ Bladon, MF Breed, N Dyas, CS Elphick, RA Griffiths, J Hughes, B Middleton, NA Littlewood, R Mitchell, WH Morgan, R Mosley, SO Petrovan, K Prendergast, EG Ritchie, H Raven, RK Smith, SH Watts, and A Thornton. 2022. Creating testable questions in practical conservation: a process and 100 questions, Conservation Evidence Journal 19:1-7. [pdf]
Barry A, SK Ooi, AM Helton, B Steven, CS Elphick, and BA Lawrence. 2022. Vegetation zonation predicts soil carbon mineralization and microbial communities in southern New England salt marshes. Estuaries and Coasts 45:168–180. [pdf]
Ruskin, KJ, G Herring, CA Eagles-Smith, AB Eiklor, CS Elphick, MA Etterson, CR Field, RA Longenecker, AI Kovach, WG Shriver, J Walsh, and BJ Olsen. 2021. Mercury exposure of tidal marsh songbirds in the northeastern United States and its association with nest survival. Ecotoxicology. [pdf]
Sayers, CJ, MR Roeder, L Forrette; D Roche, GLB Dupont, SE Apgar, AR Kocek, AM Cook, WG Shriver, CS Elphick, B Olsen, and DN Bonter. 2021. Geographic variation of mercury in breeding tidal marsh sparrows of the northeastern United States. Ecotoxicology 30:1929-1940. [pdf]
Roeder, MR, CE Hill, CS Elphick, M Conway, AR Kocek, A Tegeler, and S Woltmann. 2021. Genetic data disagree with described subspecies ranges for Seaside Sparrow on the Atlantic coast. Ornithological Applications 123: duab011. [pdf]
Granville, KE, SK Ooi, LE Koenig, BA Lawrence, CS Elphick, and A Helton. 2021. Seasonal patterns of denitrification and N2O production in a southern New England salt marsh. Wetlands. [pdf]
Klingbeil, BT, JB Cohen, MD Correll, CR Field, TP Hodgman, AI Kovach, EE Lentz, BJ Olsen, WG Shriver, WA Wiest, and CS Elphick. 2021. High uncertainty over the future of tidal marsh birds under current sea-level rise projections. Biodiversity and Conservation 30:431–443. [pdf]
Steen, VA, MW Tingley, PWC Paton, and CS Elphick. 2021. Spatial thinning and class balancing: key choices lead to variation in the performance of species distribution models with citizen science data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12:216-226. [pdf] Shortlisted for the British Ecological Society’s Robert May Prize.
Ladin, ZS, WA Wiest, MD Correll, EL Tymkiw, M Conway, BJ Olsen, CS Elphick, WL Thompson, WG Shriver. 2020. Detection of local-scale population declines through optimized tidal marsh bird monitoring design. Global Ecology and Conservation 23: e01128. [pdf] [code here]
Grames, EM, T Amano, DL Wagner, CS Elphick. 2020. Global syntheses of biodiversity require community-driven approaches to reduce bias. Science (eLetter). [link]
Marshall, H, EJ Blomberg, V Watson, M Conway, JB Cohen, MD Correll, CS Elphick, TP Hodgman, AR Kocek, AI Kovach, WG Shriver, WA Wiest, and BJ Olsen. 2020. Habitat openness and edge avoidance predict Saltmarsh Sparrow abundance better than habitat area. Condor. [pdf]
Grames, EM, and CS Elphick. 2020. Use of study design principles would increase the reproducibility of reviews in conservation biology. Biological Conservation 241:108385. [pdf]
Field, CR, and CS Elphick. 2019. Quantifying the return on investment of social and ecological data for conservation planning. Environmental Research Letters 14:124081. [pdf]
Field, CR, KJ Ruskin, JB Cohen, TP Hodgman, AI Kovach, BJ Olsen, WG Shriver, and CS Elphick. 2019. Framework for quantifying population responses to disturbance reveals that coastal birds are highly resilient to hurricanes. Ecology Letters 22:2039-2048. [pdf] Featured in the New York Times here.
Steen, VA, CS Elphick, and MW Tingley. 2019. An evaluation of stringent filtering to improve species distribution models from citizen science data. Diversity and Distributions 25:1857-1869. [pdf]
Olsen, BJ, JL Froehly, AC Borowske, CS Elphick, CR Field, AR Kocek, AI Kovach, RA Longnecker, WG Shriver, J Walsh, and KJ Ruskin. 2019. A test of a corollary of Allen’s rule suggests a role for population density. Journal of Avian Biology 50:e02116. [pdf]
Grames, EM, AN Stillman, MW Tingley, and CS Elphick. 2019. An automated approach to identifying search terms for systematic reviews using keyword co-occurrence networks. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10:1645-1654. [pdf]
Walsh, J, PM Benham, PE Deane-Coe, P Arcese, BG Butcher, YL Chan, ZA Cheviron, CS Elphick, AI Kovach, BJ Olsen, WG Shriver, VL Winder, and IJ Lovette. 2019. Genomics of rapid ecological divergence and parallel adaptation in four tidal marsh sparrows. Evolution Letters 3:324-338. [pdf]
Roberts, SG, RA Kern, MA Etterson, CS Elphick, BJ Olsen, and WG Shriver. 2019. Preventing local extinctions to tidal marsh endemic sparrows in Eastern North America. Condor: Ornithological Applications 121:duy024. [pdf] Featured by The Wildlife Society here and in the Philadelphia Inquirer here.
Russo, NJ, CS Elphick, NP Havill, MW Tingley. 2019. Spring bird migration as a dispersal mechanism for the hemlock woolly adelgid. Biological Invasions 21:1585-1599. [pdf] Featured in Audubon Magazine here.
Correll, MD, CS Elphick, W Hantson, TP Hodgman, BB Cline, EL Tymkiw, WG Shriver, and BJ Olsen. 2019. A multi-scale comparison of elevation measurement methods in northeastern tidal marshes of the United States. Wetlands 39:633-643. [pdf]
Correll, MD, W Hantson, TP Hodgman, BB Cline, CS Elphick, WG Shriver, EL Tymkiw, and BJ Olsen. 2019. Fine-scale mapping of coastal plant communities in the northeastern USA. Wetlands 39:17-28. [pdf]
Wiest, WA, MD Correll, BG Marcot, BJ Olsen, CS Elphick, TP Hodgman, GR Gunterspergen, and WG Shriver. 2019. Estimates of tidal marsh bird densities using Bayesian networks. Journal of Wildlife Management 83:109-120. [pdf] Data available here.
Klingbeil, BT, JB Cohen, MD Correll, CR Field, TP Hodgman, AI Kovach, BJ Olsen, WG Shriver, WA Wiest, and CS Elphick. 2018. A focal species for tidal marsh bird conservation in the northeastern United States. Condor: Ornithological Applications 120:874-884. [pdf] [blog post]
Longenecker, RA, JL Bowman, B Olsen, SG Roberts, CS Elphick, P Castelli, and WG Shriver. 2018. Short-term resilience of New Jersey tidal marshes to Hurricane Sandy. Wetlands 38:565-575. [pdf]
Greenlaw, JS, CS Elphick, W Post, and JD Rising. 2018. Saltmarsh Sparrow (Ammodramus caudacutus), version 2.0. In The Birds of North America (PG Rodewald, ed). Cornell Lab of Ornithology. https://doi.org/10.2173/bna.sstspa.02
Borowske, A, CR Field, KJ Ruskin, and CS Elphick. 2018. Consequences of breeding system for body condition and survival throughout the annual cycle of tidal marsh sparrows. Journal of Avian Biology 49:jav-01529. [pdf]
Bagchi, R, LM Brown, CS Elphick, DL Wagner, and MS Singer. 2018. Anthropogenic fragmentation of landscapes: mechanisms for eroding the specificity of plant-herbivore interactions. Oecologia 187:521-533. [pdf]
Field, CR, KJ Ruskin, B Benvenuti, A Borowske, JB Cohen, L Garey, TP Hodgman, RA Kern, E King, AR Kocek, AI Kovach, KM O’Brien, BJ Olsen, N Pau, SG Roberts, E Shelly, WG Shriver, J Walsh, and CS Elphick. 2018. Quantifying the importance of geographic replication and representativeness when estimating demographic rates, using a coastal species as a case study. Ecography 41:971-981. [pdf]
Correll, MD, WA Wiest, TP Hodgman, JT Kelley, BJ McGill, CS Elphick, WG Shriver, ME Conway, CF Field, and BJ Olsen. 2018. A Pleistocene disturbance event explains modern diversity patterns in tidal marsh birds. Ecography 41:684-694. [pdf]
Ruskin, KJ, MA Etterson, TP Hodgman, AC Borowske, JB Cohen, CS Elphick, CR Field, RA Longenecker, E King, AR Kocek, AI Kovach, KM O’Brien, N Pau, WG Shriver, J Walsh, and BJ Olsen. 2017. Demographic analysis demonstrates systematic but independent spatial variation in abiotic and biotic stressors across 59 percent of a global species range. Auk: Ornithological Advances 134:903-916. [pdf] [blog post]
Field, CR, AA Dayer, and CS Elphick. 2017. Landowner behavior can determine the success of conservation strategies for ecosystem migration under sea-level rise. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114:9134-9139. [pdf] [blog post]
Roberts, SG, RA Kern, MA Etterson, KJ Ruskin, CS Elphick, BJ Olsen, and WG Shriver. 2017. Factors that influence Seaside and Saltmarsh sparrow vital rates in coastal New Jersey, USA. Journal of Field Ornithology 88:115-131. [pdf]
Elphick, CS. 2017. Review of: Howell, Lewington, and Russell. Rare Birds of North America. Condor: Ornithological Applications 119: 358-359. [pdf]
Walsh, J, IJ Lovette, V Winder, CS Elphick, BJ Olsen, WG Shriver, and AI Kovach. 2017. Subspecies delineation amid phenotypic, geographic, and genetic discordance in a songbird. Molecular Ecology 26:1242-1255. [pdf]
Walsh, J, WG Shriver, MD Correll, BJ Olsen, CS Elphick, TP Hodgman, RJ Rowe, KM O’Brien, and AI Kovach. 2017. Temporal shifts in the saltmarsh-Nelsons’s sparrow hybrid zone revealed by population surveys and genetic data. Conservation Genetics 18:453-466. [pdf]
Nightingale, J, and CS Elphick. 2017. Tidal flooding is associated with lower ectoparasite intensity in nests of the Saltmarsh Sparrow Ammodramus caudacutus. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 129:122-130. [pdf]
Ruskin, KJ, MA Etterson, TP Hodgman, A Borowske, JB Cohen, CS Elphick, CR Field, RA Kern, E King, AR Kocek, AI Kovach, KM O’Brien, N Pau, WG Shriver, J Walsh, and BJ Olsen. 2017. Seasonal fecundity is not related to geographic position across a species’ global range despite a central peak in abundance. Oecologia 183:291-301. [pdf]
Correll, MD, WA Wiest, TP Hodgman, WG Shriver, CS Elphick, BJ McGill, K O’Brien, and BJ Olsen. 2017. Predictors of specialist avifaunal decline in coastal marshes. Conservation Biology 31:172-182. [pdf] Featured in Audubon Magazine here.
Field, CR, T Bayard, C Gjerdrum, JM Hill, S Meiman, and CS Elphick. 2017. High-resolution tide projections reveal extinction threshold in response to sea-level rise. Global Change Biology 35:2058-2070. [pdf]
Borowske, AC, C Gjerdrum, and CS Elphick. 2017. Timing of migration and prebasic molt in tidal marsh sparrows with different breeding strategies: comparisons among sexes and species. Auk: Ornithological Advances 134:51-64. [pdf]
Elphick, CS. 2016. As the tide continues to rise, marsh birds face a perilous future: All the trends point down. In: Connecticut State of the Birds: Gains, losses and the prospect of extinction. (M. Bull, ed.) Connecticut Audubon Society. pp. 4-8. [pdf]
Correll, MD, WA Wiest, BJ Olsen, WG Shriver, CS Elphick, TP Hodgman. 2016. Habitat specialization explains avian persistence in tidal marshes. Ecosphere 7(11):e01506. 10.1002/ecs2.1506. [pdf]
Field, CR, C Gjerdrum, and CS Elphick. 2016. How does choice of statistical method to adjust counts for imperfect detection affect inferences about animal abundance? Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7:1282-1290. [pdf] [data]
Field, CR, C Gjerdrum, and CS Elphick. 2016. Forest resistance to sea-level rise prevents landward migration of tidal marsh. Biological Conservation 201:363-369. [pdf]
Fleishman, E, J Anderson, BG Dickson, D Krolick, JA Estep, RL Anderson, CS Elphick, DS Dobkin, and DA Bell. 2016. Space use by Swainson’s Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) in the Natomas Basin, California. Collabra, 2:1-12. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/collabra.35
Wiest, WA, MD Correll, BJ Olsen, CS Elphick, TP Hodgman, DR Curson, and WG Shriver. 2016. Population estimates for tidal marsh birds of high conservation concern in the northeastern USA from a design-based survey. Condor: Ornithological Applications 118:274-288. [pdf]
Elphick, CS 2015. A history of ecological studies of birds in rice fields. Journal of Ornithology 156 (Suppl 1):S239-S245. [pdf]
Lee, TE, SA Black, A Fellous, N Yamaguchi, F Angelici, H Al Hikmani, JM Reed, CS Elphick, and DL Roberts. 2015. Assessing uncertainty in sighting records: an example of the Barbary lion. PeerJ 3:e1224; DOI 10.7717/peerj.1224.
Elphick, CS, S Meiman, and MA Rubega. 2015. Tidal-flow restoration provides little nesting habitat for a globally vulnerable saltmarsh bird. Restoration Ecology 23:439-446. [pdf] [cover article]
Reed, JM, CR Field, MD Silbernagle, A Nadig, K Goebel, A Dibben-Young, P Donaldson, and CS Elphick. 2015. Application of the complete-data likelihood to estimate monthly juvenile and annual adult survival for the endangered Hawaiian stilt. Animal Conservation 18:176-185. [pdf]
Elphick, CS. 2015. Review of: Burtt and Davis (Eds). Alexander Wilson: The Scot Who Founded American Ornithology. Quarterly Review of Biology 90:74. [pdf]
Elphick, CS., and CR Field. 2014. Monitoring indicators of climate change along long Island Sound: A simple protocol for collecting baseline data on marsh migration. Wetland Science and Practice 31:7-9. [pdf]
Dardanelli, S, JE Jiménez, RO Vásquez, and C Elphick. 2014. Introduction to the singularities of the Magellanic sub-Antarctic avifauna. In: Magellanic Sub-Antarctic ornithology: First decade of long-term bird studies at the Omora Ethnobotanical Park, Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile (R Rozzi and JE Jiménez, eds.). University of North Texas Press. pp. 131-133. [link]
Elphick, C, JE Jiménez, R Reyes, and R Rozzi. 2014. Introduction to the seasonal dynamics of the sub- Antarctic bird communities in different habitat types of the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve. In: Magellanic Sub-Antarctic ornithology: First decade of long-term bird studies at the Omora Ethnobotanical Park, Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile (R. Rozzi and J.E. Jiménez, eds.). University of North Texas Press. pp. 185-187. [link]
Lewis, LR, E Behling, H Gousse, E Qian, CS Elphick, J-F Lamarre, J Bêty, J Liebezeit, R Rozzi, and B Goffinet. 2014. First evidence of bryophyte diaspores in the plumage of transequatorial migrant birds. PeerJ. 2:e424 http://dx.doi.org/10.7717/peerj.424. Featured in Science here and on the BBC here.
Elphick, CS. 2014. Review of: Bart, Johnston, Smith and Rausch (Eds). Arctic Shorebirds in North America: A Decade of Monitoring. Studies in Avian Biology, Number 44. Quarterly Review of Biology 89: 73-74. [pdf]
Hill, JM, J Walsh, AI Kovach, and CS Elphick. 2013. Male-skewed sex ratio in Saltmarsh Sparrow nestlings. Condor 115: 411-420. [pdf]
Meiman, S, and CS Elphick. 2012. Evaluating habitat-association models for the Saltmarsh Sparrow. Condor 114:856-864. [pdf]
Meiman, S D Civco, K Holsinger, and CS Elphick. 2012. Comparing habitat models using ground-based and remote sensing data: saltmarsh sparrow presence versus nesting. Wetlands 32:725-736. [pdf]
Bayard, TS, and CS Elphick. 2012. Testing for conspecific attraction in an obligate saltmarsh bird: Can behavior be used to aid marsh restoration? Wetlands 32:521-529. [pdf]
Hill, JM, and CS Elphick. 2011. Are grassland passerines especially susceptible to negative transmitter impacts? Wildlife Society Bulletin 35:362-367. [pdf]
Bayard, TS, and CS Elphick. 2011. Planning for sea-level rise: Quantifying patterns of Saltmarsh Sparrow (Ammodramus caudacutus) nest flooding under current sea-level conditions. Auk 128:393-403. [pdf]
Elphick, CS. 2011. Review of: del Hoyo, Elliott and Christie (Eds). Handbook of the Birds of the World. Volume 14: Bush-‐Shrikes to Old World Sparrows. Quarterly Review of Biology 86:149-150. [pdf]
Reed, JM, CS Elphick, EN Ieno, and AF Zuur. 2011. Long-term population trends of endangered Hawaiian waterbirds. Population Ecology 53:473-481. [pdf] Featured in Conservation Magazine here and by the American Bird Conservancy here.
Elphick, CS, KC Parsons, M Fasola, and L Mugica. 2010. Ecology and conservation of birds in rice fields: a global review. Waterbirds 33 (Special Publication 1). 246 pp. [pdf]
Elphick, CS. 2010. Why study birds in rice fields? Waterbirds 33 (Special Publication 1):1-7. [pdf]
King, S, CS Elphick, D Guadagnin, O Taft, and T Amano. 2010. Effects of landscape features on waterbird use of rice fields. Waterbirds 33 (Special Publication 1):151-159. [pdf]
Elphick, CS, O Taft, and P Lourenço. 2010. Management of rice fields for birds during the non-growing seaons. Waterbirds 33 (Special Publication 1):181-192. [pdf]
Elphick, CS, P Baicich, KC Parsons, M Fasola, and L Mugica. 2010. The future for research on waterbirds in rice fields. Waterbirds 33 (Special Publication 1):231-243. [pdf]
Bayard, TS, and CS Elphick. 2010. Using spatial point pattern assessment to understand the social and environmental mechanisms driving avian habitat selection. Auk 127:485-494. [pdf]
Bayard, TS, and CS Elphick. 2010. How area sensitivity in birds is studied. Conservation Biology 24: 938-947. [pdf]
Elphick, CS, DL Roberts, and JM Reed. 2010. Estimated dates of recent extinctions for North American and Hawaiian birds. Biological Conservation 143: 617-624. [pdf] Featured on Conservation Maven here. Updated data set here (18 Jan 2010).
Zuur, AF, EN Ieno, and CS Elphick. 2010. A protocol for data exploration to avoid common statistical problems. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 1:3-14. [pdf]
Hill, CE, C Gjerdrum, CS Elphick. 2010. Extreme levels of multiple mating characterize the mating system of the Saltmarsh Sparrow (Ammodramus caudacutus). Auk 127:300-307. [pdf] Featured on the BBC here and on discovery.com here (with great video from birdfilms.com).
Roberts, DL, CS Elphick, and JM Reed. 2010. Identifying anomalous reports of putatively extinct species and why it matters. Conservation Biology 24:189-196. [pdf] [erratum]
Ippi, S, CB Anderson, R Rozzi, and CS Elphick. 2009. Annual variation of abundance and composition in forest bird assemblages on Navarino Island, Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile. Ornitologia Neotropical 20:231-245. [pdf]
Elphick, CS. 2009. Evidence that Mute Swans are native to North America is lacking. Picoides 22(1):20-23. [pdf]
Vogel, RM, JRM Hosking, CS Elphick, DL Roberts, and JM Reed. 2009. Goodness of fit of probability distributions for sightings as species approach extinction. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 71:701-719. [pdf]
Elphick, CS. 2008. Editor’s choice: New research on wind farms. Journal of Applied Ecology 45:1840. [pdf]
Elphick, CS. 2008. How you count counts: the importance of methods research in applied ecology. Journal of Applied Ecology 45:1313-1320. [pdf]
Eadie, JM, CS Elphick, KJ Reinecke, and MR Miller. 2008. Wildlife values of North American ricelands. In: Conservation in Ricelands of North America (SW Manley, ed.). The Rice Foundation. pp. 7-90. [info here]
Gjerdrum, C., K. Sullivan-Wiley, E. King, M.A. Rubega, and C.S. Elphick. 2008. Egg and chick fates during tidal flooding of Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow nests. Condor 110:579-584. [pdf]
Gjerdrum, C, CS Elphick, and M Rubega. 2008. How well can we model numbers and productivity of Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrows (Ammodramus caudacutus) using habitat features? Auk 125:608-617. [pdf]
Elphick, C.S. 2008. Landscape effects on waterbird densities in California rice fields: taxonomic differences, scale-dependence, and conservation implications. Waterbirds 31:62-69. [pdf]
Elphick, C.S., J.M. Hill and M. Rubega 2008. State of the saltmarsh sharp-tailed sparrows. In: Connecticut State of the Birds: Conservation birds and their habitats. (M. Bull, ed.) Connecticut Audubon Society. pp. 5-9. [pdf]
Elphick, C.S., A.F. Zuur, and E.N. Ieno. 2007. Investigating the effects of rice farming on aquatic birds with mixed modelling. In: Analysing Ecological Data (A.F. Zuur, E.N. Ieno, and G.M. Smith, eds.). Springer. pp. 417-434. [link]
Reed, J.M., C.S. Elphick, A.F. Zuur, and E.N. Ieno. 2007. Time series analysis of Hawaiian waterbirds. In: Analysing Ecological Data (A.F. Zuur, E.N. Ieno, and G.M. Smith, eds.). Springer. pp. 615-631. [pdf]
Sibley, D.A., L.R. Bevier, M.A. Patten, and C.S. Elphick. 2007. Ivory-billed or pileated woodpecker? Science 315:1495-1496. [pdf]
Ellis, M.M., and C.S. Elphick. 2007. Using a stochastic model to examine the ecological, economic and ethical consequences of population control in a charismatic invasive species: mute swans in North America. Journal of Applied Ecology 44: 312-322. [link]
Taft, OW and CS Elphick. 2007. Waterbirds on Working Lands: Literature Review and Bibliography Development. Technical Report. National Audubon Society. 284 pp. [link]
Taft, OW and CS Elphick. 2007. Waterbirds on Working Lands: Literature Review Bibliography. National Audubon Society. 46 pp. [link]
Humphries, S, CS Elphick, C Gjerdrum, and M Rubega. 2007. Testing the function of the domed nests of Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrows. Journal of Field Ornithology 78:152-158. [link]
LaFleur, N., M. Rubega, and C.S. Elphick. 2007. Invasive fruits, novel foods, and choice: an investigation of European starling and American robin frugivory. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 119:429-438. [pdf] (featured in Birding magazine)
Floyd, T., C.S. Elphick, G. Chisholm, K. Mack, R.D. Elston, E.M. Ammon, and J. Boone. 2007. Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Nevada. University of Nevada Press, Reno. 608 pp. [link]
Elphick, C.S., J.M. Reed, D.J. Delehanty. 2007. Applications of reproductive biology to bird conservation and population management. In: Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Birds (B.G.M. Jamieson, ed.). Science Publishers, Enfield, New Hampshire, USA. pp. 367-399. [pdf]
Sibley, D.A., L.R. Bevier, M.A. Patten, and C.S. Elphick. 2006. Comment on “Ivory-billed woodpecker (Campephilus principalis) persists in continental North America”. Science 311:1555. [pdf]
Greenberg, R, C Elphick, JC Nordby, C Gjerdrum, H Spautz, G Shriver, B Schmeling, B Olsen, P Marra, N Nur, and M Winter. 2006. Flooding and predation: trade-offs in the nesting ecology of tidal-marsh sparrows. In: Vertebrates of Tidal Marshes: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation (R Greenberg, S Droege, J Maldonado, and MV McDonald, eds). Studies in Avian Biology 32:96-109. [info here]
Elphick, CS. 2006. Review of: Poole and Gill, The Birds of North America: Life Histories for the Twenty-first Century. Birding 38:84-94.
Elphick, CS. 2006. Measuring Connecticut’s bird populations and trends. In: Connecticut State of the Birds: Conservation birds and their habitats. (M. Bull, ed.) Connecticut Audubon Society. pp. 8-14. [pdf]
Gjerdrum, C, CS Elphick, and M Rubega. 2005. Nest site selection and nesting success in saltmarsh breeding sparrows: the importance of nest habitat, timing, and study site differences. Condor 107:849-862. [pdf]
Elphick, CS. 2005. Review of: Hill, Red Bird in a Brown Bag: The Function and Evolution of Colorful Plumage in the House Finch; and Birkhead, A Brand New Bird: How Two Amateur Scientists Created the First Genetically Engineered Animal. Birding 37:670-674.
Elphick, CS. 2005. Review of: Couzens, Birds by Behavior; Icenoggle, Birds in Place; and Michl, A Birders’ Guide to the Behaviour of European and North American Birds. Birding 37:316-324.
Sibley, D., C. S. Elphick and J. B. Dunning. Weekly, Aug 2002 to Dec 2005. Sibley on Birds. Nationally syndicated newspaper column, distributed by New York Times Special Features.
Elphick, CS. 2004. Assessing conservation trade-offs: identifying the effects of flooding rice fields for waterbirds on non-target bird species. Biological Conservation 117:105-110. [pdf]
Elphick, CS. 2004. Review of: Adamus, P. et al., Oregon Breeding Bird Atlas, and Wernham, C. et al., The Migration Atlas: movements of the birds of Britain and Ireland. Birding 36:312-320.
Elphick, C.S., and L.W. Oring. 2003. Conservation implications of flooding rice fields on winter waterbird communities. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 94:17-29. [pdf]
Elphick, C.S. 2003. Review of: Clark, G., Birds of Storrs. Connecticut Warbler 23:67-69.
Elphick, C.S., and J. Klima. 2002. Hudsonian Godwit (Limosa haemastica). The Birds of North America, No. 629 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA. [link]
Anderson, C., R. Rozzi, C. Elphick, and S. McGehee. 2002. El programa Omora de anillamiento de aves en los bosques subantárticos: la estandarización del tamaño de anillos apropiados para las aves de la región de Magallanes. Boletin Chileno de Ornitología 9:2-11.
Elphick, C.S., J.M. Reed, and J.M. Bonta. 2001. Correlates of population recovery goals in endangered birds. Conservation Biology 15:1285-1291. [pdf]
Warnock, N., C.S. Elphick, and M.A. Rubega. 2001. Biology of marine birds: shorebirds. In: Biology of Marine Birds (J. Burger and B.A. Schreiber, eds.). CRC Press. pp. 581-615. [link]
Elphick, C.S., J.B. Dunning, and D.S. Sibley (eds.). 2001. National Audubon Society. Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behavior. Knopf. 608 pp. (New York Times best seller list.) [link] [updates] [references]
Cech, R., J.B. Dunning, C.S. Elphick, and M. Rubega. 2001. Flight, form and function. In: National Audubon Society. Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behavior. Knopf. pp. 15-38.
Cech, R., J.B. Dunning, and C.S. Elphick. 2001. Bird behavior. In: National Audubon Society. Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behavior. Knopf. pp. 51-79.
Cech, R., D.S. Sibley, C.S. Elphick and J.B. Dunning. 2001. Habitats and distribution. In: National Audubon Society. Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behavior. Knopf. pp. 80-106.
Reed, J. M., and C.S. Elphick. 2001. Populations and conservation. In: National Audubon Society. Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behavior. Knopf. pp. 107-120.
Sibley, D.A., and C.S. Elphick. 2001. Jacanas. In: National Audubon Society. Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behavior. Knopf. pp. 271-272.
Elphick, C.S. 2001. A comprehensive revision of the Nevada Bird Records Committee review list. Great Basin Birds 4:13-18. [pdf]
Elphick, C.S. 2000. Functional equivalency between rice fields and seminatural wetland habitats. Conservation Biology 14:181-191. [pdf]
Howe, M., J. Bart, S. Brown, C. Elphick, B. Harrington, C. Hickey, G. Morrison, S. Skagen, and N. Warnock, eds. 2000. A Comprehensive Monitoring Program for North American Shorebirds. Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences. 124 pp.
Elphick, C.S. and G. Chisholm. 1999. Nevada Breeding Bird Atlas: Annual Report 1998. Great Basin Birds 2:52-55.
Baepler, D., D. Crowe, C.S. Elphick, L. Hoskins, L. Neel, F. Ryser, Jr., and J. Eidel. 1999. Report of the Nevada Bird Records Committee for 1997. Great Basin Birds 2:72-74.
Elphick, C.S., and L.W. Oring. 1998. Winter management of Californian rice fields for waterbirds. Journal of Applied Ecology 35:95-108. [pdf]
Elphick, C.S. and T.L. Tibbitts. 1998. Greater Yellowlegs (Tringa melanoleuca). The Birds of North America, No. 355 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA. [link]
Reed, J.M., C.S. Elphick, and L.W. Oring. 1998. Life-history and viability analysis of the endangered Hawaiian stilt. Biological Conservation 84:35-45. [pdf]
Elphick, C.S. 1998. Waterbird conservation and ecology: the role of rice field management in habitat restoration. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Nevada, Reno. [pdf]
Elphick, C.S. 1997. Experimental approaches to shorebird habitat management. In Conservation and Management of Shorebirds in the Western Great Basin (J.M. Reed, N. Warnock, and L.W. Oring, eds.). International Wader Studies 9:20-28. [pdf]
Elphick, C.S. 1997. Correcting avian richness estimates for unequal sample effort in atlas studies. Ibis 139:189-190. [pdf]
Elphick, C.S., and M.A. Rubega. 1995. Prey choices and foraging efficiency of recently-fledged California Gulls at Mono Lake, California. Great Basin Naturalist 55:363-367. [pdf]
Oring, L.W., and C.S. Elphick. 1994. Review of: Helmers, D.L. 1992. Shorebird Management Manual. Auk 110:672-674.
Elphick, C.S., and G.L. Hunt. 1993. Variations in the distributions of marine birds with water masses in the northern Bering Sea. Condor 95:33-44. [pdf]